STENT Batch Estimations

Input Data

Paste Excel data here:



Pasting from Microsoft Excel for batched calculations:

  1. Create an Excel worksheet with columns for Age, Sex, BMI, Number of Chronic Pain Conditions, Ureteral Stone(s) Present?, Pain Interference T-Score, Urinary Symptoms Score, PROMIS Anxiety Score
  2. Label the columns with names from the "Valid Labels" column below. Additional columns can be included and will be output with the results.
  3. Make sure the data conforms to the "Valid Data" column below.
  4. Copy the data range of the spreadsheet to the clipboard.
  5. Paste the clipboard contents to the batch entry box.
  6. Press the "Calculate" button.

A comma separated file (.csv) file will be download with the results. Invalid data will result in calculations not being performed for that row.

Column Definitions:

Variable Valid Labels Units Valid Data
Age "Age", "Age, yrs", "Age_yrs" years 12 – 80
Sex "Sex", "Gender", ;"Male"   Male: "1", "M", "Male"
Female: "0", "F", "Female"
BMI "BMI", "BMI, kg/m2" kg/m2 10 – 70
# Chronic Pain Conditions "# Chronic Pain Conditions", "NChronicPain", "NCHRONIC"   0 – 15
Ureteral Stone Present "Ureteral Stone Present", "UreteralStone", "CLDTYPE"   Yes: "Yes", "Y", "1"
No: "No", "N", "0"
Pain Interference T-Score "Pain Interference T-Score", "PAININT"   0 – 100
Urinary Symptoms Score "Urinary Symptoms Score", "URINSYMP"   0 – 100
Mental Health Anxiety "Mental Health Anxiety", "MHANXD"   Yes: "Yes", "Y", "1"
No: "No", "N", "0"